Quality Native Seed
Delivered to Your Front Door
- Premium Quality
- Custom Tailored
- Expert Guideance
Pacific Coast Seed is excited to partner with Nature’s Seed, the leading e-commerce provider of premium native seed, wildflowers, turf and pasture. A selection of our inventory is now available at Nature’s Seed in quantities from a seed packet to a pound or more. Click below to buy our hand-collected and Hedgerow Farm-grown native seed on the Nature’s Seed site, and have it delivered right to your front door.

Homeowner Resources
For further education about applied horticulture in general or the use of our products in landscaping, we suggest that you visit the following websites. The Horticulture departments of your local community college can also be a great resource.
California Native Grassland Association
National Turf Evaluation Program
The California Garden Web